Last Sunday after a good but tiresome day – it had been raining heavily, so the kids had stayed indoors, mostly running around in the house – I joined an amazing event on Healthy Food Ideas for Busy People. The idea seemed appealing: as all parents, my husband and I are concerned about what the family is eating, but we don’t have much time to cook, as we’re both working. And I was also curious about the idea of a free live interactive broadcast on YouTube. I had no idea it existed, at home we use Skype a lot and the free features do not allow such possibilities!
It was a relief not to have to leave the house on a rainy night! And as the broadcast started, I saw that the hosts of the event took questions and answered them in real time. So that was my first contact with this feature, it is called « Hangout » and I made a mental note to switch to it. It’s impressively cool.
What I also really enjoyed was the content of the event: it turned out to be very hands-on advice, nothing too theoretical, which was so nice. Both hosts knew what they were talking about and the challenges of everyday family life; Diana also has 2 small kids and runs her own business, Our Mamas Rock. And she met Luci because she sought advice to get rid of pain in her joints and back after her second pregnancy. The simple changes Luci suggested in Diana’s diet made a world of difference, and now Diana, back to her energetic self, wants to help other busy parents feel their best and feed their families easy, healthy, delicious foods.
Diana shared four tips on how to be efficient in the kitchen and while preparing meals, so the process is simpler and faster.
Luci Gabel (she’s the founder of www.LuciFit.com) helps busy people create healthy habits that last a lifetime: healthy food choices and essential exercise programs. She’s committed to helping people become more mind-body connected so they can give their bodies what they need in a healthy way. During the Hangout she described 5 easy ways to make sure you’re choosing foods that will give you the high nutrient value and optimal energy, while never sacrificing on flavour or satisfaction with your meals.
My advice: see for yourself! www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNwPuBp4324
As for me, I was really impressed to see how a few simple tips can save so much time. It gave me a motivation to implement easy changes so that we can cook healthier food. The greatest take-away for me was the suggestion to plan the meals for one week and go shopping only once, saving time and money. As things are now, my husband does the supermarket shopping and I go to the market, and we tend to buy what looks good and is not overpriced. Sounds pretty random, eh? Boy, we’ll have to work on this one but it definitely seems to be worth it, we might just need to buy a bigger freezer :-).
The thing is, when you’re trying to adopt and keep new good habits, it’s hard to be consistent in the long term, even if we’re a team – task-sharing is a must at home. Sometimes one of us has to put in more hours at work and it’s hard for the other one. I was concerned about keeping the spirit, so when Diana and Luci introduced a winter self-care support programme to help attendants cruise through the winter feeling fit and with an extra load of energy, I was eager to get more information on what they have in store, and I put my name down for more healthy tips. As far as I know, you can still put your name down here: www.lucifit.com/healthytips .
Diana told me that she’s planning more live and interactive Hangouts, covering topics relevant for parents of young children. I’m expecting the next session, I’ll stay tuned.
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