My baby is asking for cookies!


When your baby starts signing, she might sign for things you don’t want her to have such as cookies for example. Normally babies cannot ask for specific things, so you would not be confronted with this situation at such an early age.

Here are some ideas how to handle the “cookie-question” with positive parenting techniques.

Just because your baby is able to communicate what she wants, doesn’t mean that you have to say ‘yes’ to everything. So, imagine your daughter signing that she wants a cookie; you don’t want her to have a cookie because it’s time to have lunch.

Knowing what your daughter wants, you can say:

‘No, you can’t have a cookie now because we are about to have lunch’.

Or an even better answer would be:

‘Yes, you can have a cookie when we have finished our lunch’.

Did you notice how starting the answer with ‘yes’ made it sound a lot less confrontational? Quite often you can turn your ‘no’ answer into a ‘yes’ answer, it takes some practice but is a great way to avoid arguments. If there is no alternative to a ‘no’ answer you can say something like:

‘I see that you would like a cookie, right now I can offer you a piece of banana or a piece of apple instead. What would you like?’

With this response you have signaled that you understand what your daughter wants and at the same time offered two alternative solutions she can choose from. Offering a choice of two similar things can be very powerful with a toddler.

I have to admit that it can be very hard to say ‘no’ to your child when the sign for ‘cookie’ is followed by the sign for ‘please’. My son kept up the sign for ‘please’ for a long time because he knew what effect it can have :-).

Oh and here is what the alternative without signs would probably look like: you are preparing lunch and your daughter is whining. Is she hungry, tired, bored? You don’t know. You can start the guessing game or offer your best-guess-solution such as ‘lunch will be ready in a moment (assuming that she is whining because she is hungry)’. What she really wants is a cookie though, so she will keep whining. She’ll probably feel frustrated because she doesn’t get her cookie and you might end up feeling stressed or frustrated because she doesn’t stop whining.

Now it’s your turn. I’d love to hear about situations when you wished you knew what your baby really wanted, so you could give a suitable response. How do you think signing would have helped in those situations?

Do you reward your kids with sweets? How much is too much?

Do you reward your kids with sweets? Do you send them to school with sweets? Do you ever think about how your relationship to sweets was formed when you were a child, or how you’re helping your child form their relationship with sweets now? Watch the video for a compelling conversation on these questions, and at the end grab a tip on how to read nutrition labels for sugar that you may not know.

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Words – one of the most precious gifts you can give to your child!

Research on language and brain development shows that the number of words a child hears in the first three years determines their academic success later in life.

Babies are learning all the time, so how and how much we talk to them is really important because words don’t only help them to create an understanding of the world, they are also helping their brains grow.

Unfortunately not all children are exposed to the same kind of language environment in the first few years of their lives. Children born into poor families hear 30 million fewer words on average before they reach the age of three than children born into wealthier families. This difference causes an achievement gap and according to the experts this gap cannot be closed later in life, in fact chances are that this gap will widen.

In the United States an initiative of parent talks has been launched to help parents regardless of their socio economic status understand the power of talk. It is important to know that sitting a child in front of the TV is no replacement for human interaction, stories being read to them and being engaged in conversation. Babies learn a lot from being talked to long before they speak back.

The use of baby sign language is wonderfully complementary with exposing your child to lots of words every day. Sing language makes it very easy to use lots of words and use the same word in many different sentences. When you simultaneously speak and sign with your child, you engage both hemispheres of the brain (the language centre is located in the left brain hemisphere whereas the visual input is processed in the right hemisphere of the brain). This stimulates brain development and brain hemisphere integration.

Children are able to use their hands to communicate a long time before the complex musculature needed for speech develops sufficiently for clear communication. This does not only put the child in the position to practice the active use of language much earlier, it also comes with the advantage that you can understand your child long before speech is an option. The benefits of that are priceless!

Do pre-schools need a sugar policy?

Did you know that a portion of breakfast cereal (which is about 30g and hardly fills a small bowl) can contain as much sugar as is recommended as the daily maximum for children from 4 to 8 years? I have to tell you, I was pretty shocked at this realization.

Candy for march newsletter

Why did I even investigate this? I have a personal health story that made me very aware of what an unhealthy diet can do to our bodies:

About a year and half ago, the simple act of walking put me into agony and sitting on the floor to play with my kids was unthinkable, my entire body was in pain. My daughter was a cry baby, I was suffering from extreme sleep deprivation and a lot of energy went into breast feeding. With no energy to cook, let alone go shopping for healthy ingredients, we ended up eating processed foods most of the time. You know, the kind of food that tastes ok and is easy to heat up and causes the least amount of tidying up afterwards. After some trial and error I found out that this unhealthy diet was to blame for my pain. Luckily all it took were some simple changes to my diet -mainly cutting out processed foods which automatically cut out lots of sugar and chemicals – and things turned around: I’m pain free and can enjoy playing with my kids again!

Even before this ‘health awakening’ I was conscious of what I gave my son (who was nearly 4 at the time) to eat and to drink but as you might imagine, this personal experience made me dig into the subject of healthy eating even deeper. Cutting out processed foods, soft drinks and fruit juice from our family diet has done a lot in terms of reducing our sugar intake.

We live in Belgium, the country of delicious waffles and chocolate and where pediatricians recommend mixing ‘koekjesmeel’ (cookie powder) into a baby’s fruit puree to add calories from the age of four months. At pre-school parties, preschoolers are allowed to drink coke and other soft drinks without giving it a second thought.

My son, who is now 5.5 years old regularly begs me to allow him to take candy to school in his lunch box. I have stuck to a firm ‘no’ even though Tristan assures me ‘… but mama, ALL the other kids bring sweets in their lunch box’ which I’m sure translates into ‘… there are some kids who bring sweets to school’. At first I was only irritated by the fact that the school allows sweets in the lunch box. It obviously causes jealousy between the children and I always wondered about the effect on the children’s behavior. After all sweets are known to stimulate hyperactivity. On several occasions Tristan mentioned that other kids shared their sweets with him – of course a nice gesture but what does that say about the quantities of sweets that actually make their way into these lunch boxes?

Just recently I came across a short article in a magazine for teachers in the Flemish speaking part of the country which says ‘elementary schools in Brussels and the Flemish part of the country are completely soft-drink and candy free’. I was very happy to hear that the elementary school where Tristan will start in September confirmed this. I strongly believe that for the health of our children, this soft-drink and candy free policy should be implemented in all pre-schools too.

What is your opinion on this subject? Let us know in the comment section below.

Oh and here is some of the background information I found during my research:

  • Recommendation of the American Heart Association (AHA):  Children ages 4-8 with a daily caloric intake of 1,600 calories should consume no more than 130 calories, or about 3 teaspoons a day.
  • 4g of sugar = 1 teaspoon
  • A serving of a lot of the cereals marketed to children contains 8 – 12g of sugar or 2 – 3 teaspoons
  • 125g of one of my kid’s favourite dairy desserts contains 16g of sugar or 4 teaspoons
  • A small sugar waffle covered with chocolate contains 5g of sugar or more than 1 teaspoon
  • A standard can of coke (330ml) contains 35g of sugar or 8.75 teaspoons

Why I don’t believe in the Cry It Out method …


3:30 am and my alarm goes off for yet another nappy change to make sure my daughter won’t wake up soaking wet again.

At 17 months, Briana easily drank a full bottle of water or more at night. At 9 months she started asking for water at night, at first only a few times. She would take a few sips from her bottle and happily go to sleep again. It did not take long and she woke five times per night on average to ask for water; sometimes a lot more often.

Her urge to drink seemed to get stronger because she soon put up a fight to keep the bottle in bed with her, clutching it tight the way other children might cuddle their favourite soft toy. Driven by sleep deprivation, we gave her the bottle. Now she would only wake us up when the bottle was empty but she emptied it faster and faster. So, we were still not sleeping through and she needed at least 2 nappy changes at night to keep her dry.

At 17 months we discovered the reason for her water drinking habit: she suffers from silent reflux and she used the water to soothe her pain. Clever little girl I thought while feeling bad of course that we had not figured this out any earlier. I was happy about two things though:

  • The fact that Briana had been able to ask for water from the age of 9 months. The sign for ‘drink’ was one of the first signs she picked up, maybe because of the soothing property water had for her. Had she not been able to sign ‘drink’, the pain would have made her cry and we would have had no idea how to help her. Yes, she still woke up a lot but at least her ability to sign helped her take charge of the situation.
  • Our decision not to follow our pediatrician’s advice to let her cry it out next time she asks for water at night. She was convinced that it was just a habit Briana had developed. I don’t even want to think about what the cry it out method would have done to her.

It was our GP who suspected silent reflux and she prescribed some medication that showed results very quickly. Of course by now the water bottle was Briana’s life line at night and she did not give it up easily, not trusting the medication right away. We had ups and downs because drinking too much water after the medication meant that it would loose its effect. With a lot of patience and understanding for Briana’s fear of pain, we managed to wean her off the bottle at night (at least for most nights and when she’s not teething :-)).

To all sleep deprived parents: I’m sending you lots of energy and patience, not being able to sleep through the night for long periods of time is very tough. It’s hard on you and it’s hard on your baby too.

I would love to hear your comments on the cry it out method.

Are you putting your oxygen mask on first?

Only hours away from our return flight from Spain this summer, I found myself Googling symptoms for heart attack in women, just to reassure myself that the pain in my chest was probably nothing. What I read was not clear enough to stop worrying and I very nearly had my husband take me to the hospital. Instead we went for a walk on a pier and I thought I was going to faint. After a good doze of the fresh ocean breeze, I started feeling better and the pain in my chest as well as the dizziness faded away. Things that had gone through my head were very scary. The scariest thought of all was ‘who will look after my children if something happens to me?

Everyone knows that when the oxygen masks in an airplane drop from the ceiling you need to put your own mask on first and only then help your children, right? So why is it that in ‘real life’ mums seem to forget this very important rule all too easily? We seem to always be busy with looking after everyone around us that we either tend to forget ourselves or simply run out of time or energy for taking care of ourselves. If you are anything like me, you are enjoying looking after your children, spending time with your partner and your job gives you additional satisfaction, so you might not even notice that you are neglecting yourself.

Why am I telling you this? I’m telling you because I thought I was doing great. I started my business to create the flexibility to look after my children. Driven by the love for my family and the passion for my business, I kept stretching myself beyond my limits. And that despite the fact that I can count the number of nights my little girl has let us sleep through in the past 20 months on my two hands. The heart attack scare of this summer was a big wake-up call for me. I’ve had a check up with the doctor and it appears that the symptoms were indeed caused by exhaustion.

What have I done about this? First of all I got some help. Living far away from family, we had to be creative and found the solution in Granny Aupair. So we now have a Swiss ‘granny’ live with us for 5 months to help me with the children and the household. The difference she is making to our lives is amazing. I feel much better and can be there for the children in a much more relaxed way. We are laughing much more together now :-).

Secondly, I had a conversation with my friend, Luci, about risk factors for heart disease and what she told me made me aware of how important it is to put on our own oxygen masks first once more. She told me about some new research findings you might not know about. Due to my own experience, I feel very strongly about sharing this information, watch my video interview with Luci to learn more.

If you would like someone to help you feel taken care of this winter and holiday season, join us on our Winter Self Care Boost program. In this program we’ll help you cruise through this winter glowing with energy and maintaining your weight with ease. In one of the 5 online video classes we’ll help you create simple habits to tamp down the stress and help you sleep better, at least if you are not woken up by a baby in the middle of the night :-).

The Winter Self-Care Boost Program

Begins on November 17th. 

Early Bird pricing ends November 15th.

If we have enough participants, registration will close on Nov 15th.


Sweet parsnip puree with a dash of curry


If you liked my pumpkin puree, you might also enjoy this sweet curry parsnip puree (for an adult version of this easy puree see my ideas at the bottom):






  • 1.5 cups of parsnip
  • 1.5 cups of sweet potato
  • 1 tbs of olive oil (I like to use a fruity flavoured olive oil)
  • 1/2 tsp curry powder (make sure it’s regular curry powder and not a spicy version)
  • some bottled water

This makes approximately 2 portions for a 6 month old baby


  • Peel the parsnip and cut it into cubes (approx 1.5 cups)
  • Peel the sweet potato and cut into similar size cubes
  • Place the parsnip and potato cubes a baby food steamer and steam according to instructions of the appliance you are using
  • When the vegetables are cooked, add the olive oil and the curry powder
  • Blend to a puree, add a little bit of water to make the mixture more smooth
  • Taste to see if you may want to add some more curry powder

Serving ideas:

  • for babies (at least 6 months) who are not that used to eating solids yet: you may want to add even more water to make the puree easier to swallow and cool it down at the same time
  • it also makes a nice dip for apples (in this case I prefer it cold)
  • and  just like the pumpkin puree it’s great for food drawings to entice even fussy eaters to a healthy snack (see my candle with star and moon as an example).

Ideas for an adult version:

  • to make the puree less sweet, you can replace half to two thirds of the sweet potato with regular potatoes
  • experiment with more curry powder or use spicy curry powder instead
  • you can add salt and pepper
  • instead of blending the vegetables to a smooth puree you might want to use a potato masher to keep more texture

A little trick for drawing with puree: I used one of the syringe type measuring devices that comes with some kids’ medicine.








I cut off the end piece to get a bigger opening. This way it’s easy to suck the puree up into the syringe and draw with it as you push it out of the syringe. Another advantage of doing it this way is that you don’t lose any of the yummy puree in the process. Get creative and if you have a fussy eater, try handing over the syringe :-).

Below see my 5 year old son’s food art. He started out drawing a star and later declared it as a crown.








I’d love to hear your comments and see any of your creative pumpkin puree art on my Facebook page.

Pumpkin puree – fun, delicious and for all ages


You know that Halloween is around the corner when everywhere you look you see pumpkins popping up on door steps and windowsills. My daughter, Briana, loves spotting them when we stroll through our little town.

Pumpkins don’t only make great decoration, they also have a wonderful flavour. Here is a great recipe for an easy pumpkin puree that you can use in many different ways and is certainly not only for babies :-).


  • 1.5 cups of pumpkin (I like to use butternut squash)
  • 1.5 cups of sweet potato
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 tbs of olive oil (I like to use a fruity flavoured olive oil)
  • some nutmeg
  • some bottled water

This makes approximately 2 portions for a 6 month old baby


  • Cut the pumpkin into pieces to make it easier to peel it; make sure to use a very sturdy, serrated knife
  • Cut it into small cubes
  • Cut the peeled sweet potato into similar size cubes
  • Place the pumpkin and potato cubes together with the bay leaf in a baby food steamer and steam according to instructions of the appliance you are using
  • When the vegetables are cooked, remove the bay leaf and add the olive oil and the nutmeg
  • Blend to a puree, add a little bit of water to make the mixture more smooth

Serving ideas:

  • for babies (at least 6 months) who are not that used to eating solids yet: you may want to add even more water to make the puree easier to swallow and cool it down at the same time
  • the puree also tastes wonderful as a spread on toasted wholemeal bread (works cold or warm)
  • it also makes a nice dip for apples (in this case I prefer it cold)
  • and last but not least it’s great for food drawings to entice even fussy eaters to a healthy snack (see my pumpkin puree face with cherry tomato eyes and nose, apple mouth and spring onion hair as an example).

A little trick for drawing the face: I used one of the syringe type measuring devices that comes with some kids’ medicine.









I cut off the end piece to get a bigger opening. This way it’s easy to suck the puree up into the syringe and draw with it as you push it out of the syringe. Another advantage of doing it this way is that you don’t lose any of the  yummy puree in the process. Get creative and if you have a fussy eater, try handing over the syringe :-).

I’d love to hear your comments and see any of your creative pumpkin puree art on my Facebook page.

Having trouble to make time to eat healthily?


Last Sunday after a good but tiresome day – it had been raining heavily, so the kids had stayed indoors, mostly running around in the house – I joined an amazing event on Healthy Food Ideas for Busy People. The idea seemed appealing: as all parents, my husband and I are concerned about what the family is eating, but we don’t have much time to cook, as we’re both working. And I was also curious about the idea of a free live interactive broadcast on YouTube. I had no idea it existed, at home we use Skype a lot and the free features do not allow such possibilities!

It was a relief not to have to leave the house on a rainy night! And as the broadcast started, I saw that the hosts of the event took questions and answered them in real time. So that was my first contact with this feature, it is called « Hangout » and I made a mental note to switch to it. It’s impressively cool.

What I also really enjoyed was the content of the event: it turned out to be very hands-on advice, nothing too theoretical, which was so nice. Both hosts knew what they were talking about and the challenges of everyday family life; Diana also has 2 small kids and runs her own business, Our Mamas Rock. And she met Luci because she sought advice to get rid of pain in her joints and back after her second pregnancy. The simple changes Luci suggested in Diana’s diet made a world of difference, and now Diana, back to her energetic self, wants to help other busy parents feel their best and feed their families easy, healthy, delicious foods.

Diana shared four tips on how to be efficient in the kitchen and while preparing meals, so the process is simpler and faster.

Luci Gabel (she’s the founder of helps busy people create healthy habits that last a lifetime: healthy food choices and essential exercise programs. She’s committed to helping people become more mind-body connected so they can give their bodies what they need in a healthy way. During the Hangout she described 5 easy ways to make sure you’re choosing foods that will give you the high nutrient value and optimal energy, while never sacrificing on flavour or satisfaction with your meals.

My advice: see for yourself!

As for me, I was really impressed to see how a few simple tips can save so much time. It gave me a motivation to implement easy changes so that we can cook healthier food. The greatest take-away for me was the suggestion to plan the meals for one week and go shopping only once, saving time and money. As things are now, my husband does the supermarket shopping and I go to the market, and we tend to buy what looks good and is not overpriced. Sounds pretty random, eh? Boy, we’ll have to work on this one but it definitely seems to be worth it, we might just need to buy a bigger freezer :-).

The thing is, when you’re trying to adopt and keep new good habits, it’s hard to be consistent in the long term, even if we’re a team – task-sharing is a must at home. Sometimes one of us has to put in more hours at work and it’s hard for the other one. I was concerned about keeping the spirit, so when Diana and Luci introduced a winter self-care support programme to help attendants cruise through the winter feeling fit and with an extra load of energy, I was eager to get more information on what they have in store, and I put my name down for more healthy tips. As far as I know, you can still put your name down here: .

Diana told me that she’s planning more live and interactive Hangouts, covering topics relevant for parents of young children. I’m expecting the next session, I’ll stay tuned.


Disneyland Paris – lots of tips for your trip with little children

Mickey Mouse with Tristan and Briana

After nearly one year and one hour of waiting there he was, Mickey Mouse himself, giving my son the long awaited hug. Tristan had been asking us to go and visit Mickey Mouse and all of his other Disney friends for a very long time and we told him to keep dreaming about it and that one day it will happen.

Then one day my husband found an offer for a 4 day stay at half price which made the trip affordable and so we did not hesitate and booked. We had an absolutely amazing time and Tristan was over the moon with seeing so many of his friends and getting hugs from not only Mickey but also from Eeyore and Goofy. Briana was so excited that she hardly napped.


We went on our trip without any tips from anyone who had been there before and I have learned a few things that would have been valuable to know before leaving. So I decided to share these things with you and maybe they’ll come in handy one day. As we went by car and stayed in the Disney’s Davy Crockett Ranch some of the tips are specific to that, however, most tips are pretty general.

Recommended length of stay

The package we booked included 4 days at Disneyland including parking and 3 nights at the Ranch. We definitely recommend to have at least 2 full days and one half day at the park, you can easily fill more days and still not have seen everything. We used our first day to travel to Paris and to get some food shopping done and did not make it to the park. See my recommendations for food/meals which may make a first trip to the park on the day of arrival possibile.

Children’s age

If you can avoid it, I would recommend not to go with a child who still takes naps. Nearly all of the attractions require you to leave your stroller outside, so if your child naps, there is not much you can do as a family. Of course you can always take turns. I would also recommend to wait until at least your oldest child is old enough to remember the experience.

Tips for the Disneyland park

  • Early entry / parking fees
    If you are eligible to early entry (8 am instead of 10 am) it’s well worth getting there early. It is my understanding that you get this ‘VIP’ entry if you book your tickets together with one of the Disney accommodations. A package deal like this should also include your parking fee (normally 15€ per day)
  • Fast pass option
    The park offers a fast pass option for the attractions (not sure if this is an option for all or just some of them). The passes don’t cost extra money; you simply get fast passes with your entry tickets at the attraction and your fast pass will tell you at what time to come back to cut down waiting time to a maximum of about 15 min. It might well be worth first going around to get your fast passes for the attractions you definitely want to do and then come back at the specified times. I would recommend to definitely use this for ‘Meet Mickey’ (we waited for an hour without the fast pass)
  • Attractions
    • Here are the attractions that we enjoyed most (our children being nearly 5 and 15 months)
      • It’s a small world (on Tristan’s request we did this twice and he wanted to go again)
      • Buzz Lightyear Laser Blast
      • Meet Mickey Mouse (this was Tristan’s reason for wanting to go to Disneyland)
      • Peter Pan’s Flight
      • Disney Parade (7pm)
      • Animagique (Walt Disney Studios Park)
      • Playhouse Disney live on stage (Walt Disney Studios Park) – it’s very hot in there and small children cannot see so well as everyone just sits on the floor but for any child who is a fan of the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse films this will be a hit
    • Attractions we think can be missed if you don’t have enough time
      • Snow White and the 7 dwarfs (Tristan found this a little scary)
      • Les Voyages de Pinocchio (can also be experienced as a little scary)
      • Sleeping Beauty Castle
      • Pirates of the Caribbean (small boats that go downhill very fast 2 or 3 times which Tristan did not like at all)
  • Strollers/carriers
    • You can rent a stroller, I’m not sure they are suitable for children who still nap as I don’t know if they recline. I would recommend renting a stroller even if you don’t need it for your child(ren) it’s very handy for any extra jackets, bags, lunch, etc.
    • As you need to leave strollers at the entrance of every attraction make sure you have a small bag you can carry with you at all times for wallet, camera and possibly something to drink as you might be waiting for a long time before you get back to your stroller.
    • If you take your own stroller, take a lightweight cover to help your little one go to sleep. There is so much to see that the curious children might find it difficult to nod off otherwise
    • A good baby carrier can also be very helpful for when you are waiting in line at an attraction
  • Baby corner
    There is at least one baby corner which is about the only place that is a little quiet. It has a microwave, small tables and chairs, a family toilet and lots of nappy changing space.
  • General
    • If you are like me and you like your kids to have clean hands when they eat, definitely take some baby wipes even if you don’t have a baby anymore.
    • Remember to take sun cream at hats when it’s sunny.
    • In case of rain I’m not actually sure what the best thing to do would be. I’m thinking of light weight rain coats (the kind that fold up into a small pouch) but when it rains all of the outside attractions will be wet too; there are rides that are completely covered though.
    • If you have a daughter who likes to wear princess dresses or might want one when she sees one; I recommend you take a dress from home and have her wear it to the park. If you don’t have one you could even make it a surprise. This will avoid your daughter begging you for one of the dresses sold in the park which no doubt are as overpriced as everything else. You do see a few boys dressed up too and they generally wear pirate costumes.


If you want to maximize your time at the park, you will want to minimize your time on shopping/preparing food. Of course there are plenty of options at the park that serve food. All of these places are highly overpriced though and can easily add an unexpected amount to your spending. So here are my tips:

  • If you are staying at the Ranch there is a shop there – see comments under Disney’s Davy Crockett Ranch.
  • Carrefour at 10 min drive from the Ranch; we love shopping at the French mega stores because even compared to the wonderful Belgian supermarkets (which are paradise when you come from a small German town) they are amazing in their selection. The problem is that you can waist loads of time in a shop of that size when you don’t know where to find what you are looking for. If you decide to shop there, I can recommend the take-away sushi section. It’s delicious and does not even need heating up.
  • My recommendation is definitely to bring your food from home to save time and money when you are there
    • Plenty of water
    • Healthy snack ideas: bananas (cut in half so if only half a banana is eaten, you can keep the rest without it turning brown and messy), grapes, carrots (pre-pealed or washed at home), yoghurt (don’t forget spoons)
    • Sandwich bread which will keep fresh for the duration of your stay
    • Ham, cheese, butter, mayonnaise or anything else you like on your sandwiches
    • Bring some plastic containers and freezer bags for your lunch and snacks as well as paper towels or napkins
    • For babies I would recommend just bringing ready-made microwave meals, there is at least one baby corner (there may be more) with a microwave where you can feed little ones in peace and quiet
    • For evening meals the easiest is to bring food that can easily be heated in the microwave or in a pan (anything that does not involve cutting as there are no cooking knives). If you have a toastie maker, that might make for a great alternative to microwave food.
    • For breakfast the shop on the Ranch is ok, you can get baguette, croissants and chocolate croissants (we always bought extra chocolate croissants to take along for during the day).


Disney’s Davy Crockett Ranch

We chose to stay at the Ranch for the convenience of having a kitchen with fridge and microwave which allowed us to prepare our own food and easily heat up milk for our daughter.

The Ranch (static caravans) is situated about 15 min drive from Disneyland but it is still part of the Disney accommodation options. There is no shuttle service so you need to take your own car. We were not very impressed with the static caravan not even for our half price deal. Here are some things that might be useful to know:

  • Baby bed (which is a travel cot) can be asked for, no sheets are provided for the small fold up mattress. Even though we had asked for a baby bed, there was no high chair when we arrived, so be sure to ask for that explicitly if you need one. The travel cot only fits comfortably in the living/dining room area. We moved a bed side table, pushed the double bed over and managed to squeeze the cot next to it so that our daughter could go to sleep while we were still up.
  • No small cutlery available other than tea spoons, in fact the forks were the most giant forks I have ever seen and I would have brought cutlery for both of my children had I known.
  • Tristan (almost 5) could have done with a higher chair too to be able to sit at the table comfortably. If you have a booster seat and have space, I’d take it along
  • No step in the bathroom to make reaching the sink and sitting on the toilet easier for little kids
  • No cooking knives available so even some basic cooking would be difficult
  • There is a dishwasher which is great, the kitchen set that you get on arrival only includes 2 dishwasher tabs, so take some additional ones. The set also includes a sponge and some cleaning liquid but no tea towel which is something else you might want to bring along
  • I also took a roll of paper towels which came in very handy
  • Coffee machine
  • Microwave which takes a little while to figure out how to operate
  • Rubbish bin in the kitchen has no lid (it is inside a cupboard but still …) and we did not find any additional rubbish bags, so best to take some and if needed, take some nappy bags too J
  • Shop – the larger section of the shop is a souvenir shop; it does have a small food section which is not very impressive and probably as overpriced as the souvenir articles. The baguette we found when we arrived in the afternoon was as soft as a sponge so we decided to go to the nearby Carrefour

If you have been to Disneyland Paris already, I would like to invite you to add your tips to this list. Maybe you can recommend another accommodation? If you have not been there yet, I would love to hear if you are finding this information useful and if you do, don’t hesitate to share it with others.

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