Membership cancellation
Should you wish to cancel your Rocking Mamas membership, please follow the instructions below:
- Go to Rocking Mamas login (this page will open in a new window/tab)
- Come back to this page and click the button below
Not Logged In.
If you prefer to cancel your subscription in your PayPal account, please follow the instructions below:
- Log in to you PayPal account
- Click on ‘Profile’ (second row of your top navigation)
- Click on ‘Account info’ (left navigation)
- On ‘Preapproved payments’ click on ‘Update’
- In the ‘Merchant’ column click on the subscription you would like to cancel
- Under ‘Subscription details’ click ‘Cancel’
- You will get a pop up with this message:
You’re about to cancel this profile
- Confirm ‘Cancel profile’ (no more recurring payments will be made)