Her brother calls her ‘princess’

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  1. Sandra:

    Lovely story! It’s so wonderful things are falling into place!

  2. Dana:

    She’s cute. Thank you Briana and your mommy for showing us first signs 🙂 I am trying them with Julian (12 months now). We started too late (discouraged by a friend at 6 months) and I am not sure if we will ever manage to establish sign conversation (we have a lot of stress recently), but I’m trying 🙂

  3. Diana:

    Dana, thank you for your kind comment. Please be assured that starting at 12 months is not too late. I’ve had several children starting even later and they still really caught onto it, if anything even faster. Just be patient and don’t have any expectations. You want to keep it fun for Julian and for yourself. You can do it :-).

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