Understand Your Baby’s Thoughts – course details

  • A good time to start is when your child is between 6 and 9 months of age, as this is often a time when babies usually start to make attempts to communicate and make hand movements such as waving hello and goodbye. Your baby will also most likely start to sit unaided around this time, which makes things easier. If there is an older sibling, it can make sense to start earlier and to involve the older sibling in using signs with the younger brother or sister. Even children who already speak a few words can still tremendously benefit
  • If your child is around two years old and speaks very little (50 spoken words is the average vocabulary of a two year old; children who are exposed to signing generally have a larger vocabulary) signing can help to improve communication and support speech development very fast. At two years children already have a good passive understanding of language which helps with picking up signs very quickly.

Other interesting information

  • The teaching language is English, signs can be used with any spoken language.
  • Sign language provides a great bridge between different languages spoken at home

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